So day 2. Let me say something- Tilapia is the best thing since sliced bread! Sorry John for not heeding your praises of the venerable whitefish.

Though It's heart shaped, chicken breast can't hold a candle
to Mr. Tilapia!
So far no cravings. I went to costco yesterday and stocked up on maaad meat. Top round and tilapia (already have a bunch of chicken on hand.) Also got some crystal light, and some other no carb zero calorie sweetened items. Very crucial to keep cravings at bay.
Mad Meat Son!
Mentally I'm a lil tired. I think i'm utilizing the final bits of carbs stored up and my brain is starting to get foggy. The fogginess comes and goes in waves- I go from delirious to spacey ok. I had a baby headache which is to be expected, but i remember being a heckuvalot grumpier my last prep during this time, but it was probably because I'm in a better place in my life this time around.
Anyways, here's a few shots to give you an idea of what kinda condition I'm starting in. I'm going to be taking pictures every saturday and will post a few to show how the diets going.
This one is called the front relaxed pose.

This is the first pose you hit when you walk on stage. Although it's called the front relaxed pose, you are never truly relaxing as the judges are always looking and you want to be sure they see you in your best light. This offseason I put a lot of priority on developing the outer sweep of my quads, as well as making my adductors (the muscles at/near the groin) more full. I think I definitely did that, but we'll have to see how I hang on to that as I diet down. (John peep the socks, it's a tip of the hat to Dorian's photo shoot!)
This is the rear relaxed pose:

Here the emphasis is on back development and hamstring/calf development. During my offseason I tried to bring up the lat width to match the lower back (erector spinae) that was developed with all the deadlifting I was doing. I feel I'm definitely wider than I was this time last year.
Next up: Front Double Biceps

This is one of the poses where it's hard to look at myself: One thing in bodybuilders have to do in the offseason is put their egos aside. It's difficult to see the definition or 'cuts' so obscured by fat. But part of bulking is putting on weight, it comes with the territory. Here you can see my legs are looking wide and the priority i've put on my upper chest I feel is much stronger. The arms can be a lil bigger as they're definitely one of my weaknesses.
Back double biceps:

I can see in this photo I've really put some meat on my delts, which I feel is another weakness of mine.
Abs and thighs:

Another shot that's hard to look at as my abs are practically non-existent.
Side Triceps:

Last may this was definitely my strongest shot, and I feel like I've put a lot more solid muscle on my triceps/delts/forearms and even the chest. The legs are looking thicker from the side as well. A lot of rugged muscle I feel I didnt have this time last year. Had to end on a good note.

And just because my confidence is totally shot(more like buried under flab) after yesterday's photoshoot I'll throw in a shot from May '07 as I want to restore yall's faith in me. Plus I plan to be bigger and more ripped this year. Yeah buddy!
1 comment:
That's my boy Gooooooooooo Ryan! Love, Momma =)
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