I really wanted to take him because I knew it'd be a rather small show, and he'd get to meet a few big names.
I got slick and sent Vernon over, knowing that Ronnie would feel to guilty to charge a lil kid. Then I snuck in for the photo op. Well played if I do say so myself.
Next was the X-Man Toney Freeman. He's 6 foot 2, 300+ pounds. Really nice, and no, did NOT charge, LOL.
Later I ran into Jeff Rodriguez, a really cool Natural Bodybuilder, who has been featured on Muscular Development and is actually a local guy who trains out of Oakland. The funny thing is that when you see him in his clothes you'd never think this guy was as huge and ripped as he is, but the guy is super freaky and is able to achieve a level of conditioning that rivals even the most chemically enhanced competitors (check out his freaky tricep.) In fact one time when he was back stage getting ready to go on, the security guard told him "Sorry son, only competitors back here."
We spoke for about 10 minutes and he even offered his number so we could get a training session in once he's done with his prep for the Team Universe, the most prestigious natural competition, where the winner turns IFBB Pro.
After seeing the show started, Vernon was really impressed by the Novice Middleweight and Novice Overall winner, so he decided he wanted a photo with him.
This is where the moment of the night happened.
He walks over to the guy, and asks "can I take a picture with you, you're cool!"
"Of course lil buddy!" and he proceeds to grab vernon's arm so he can put him into a pose (as shown below.)
But before he's able to turn vernon around, vernon's disposition goes from star stuck fan to grossed out kid- The middleweight's mix of posing oil and tanning spray got on vernon's forearm and he stopped, gave the guy a "what did you just do to my arm" dirty look, then proceeded to look at, and consequently smelled his arm much to the delight of the middleweight's family and friends. John and I havent laughed that hard in a long time. I guess I forgot to warn him that the champ might be greasy. LOLx10!
And of course the incomparable Ed Corney:
All in all it was a good time.
On the way home, vernon tells me: "I want to get big, will you be my coach?"
I had to break the bad news that he'd probably have to wait a few years to train hard n heavy so he doesnt stunt his growth (I hope he doesnt end up in my class, the kid has way better genetics!)
Little does he know that training has already begun!
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