So at the continued requesting of John (now down to blink 192) I've cleared a spot on my mantle for a trophy. For those of you who've seen Pumping Iron, this feels like when the morning of the 1975 Mr. Olympia, Arnold tells Lou Ferrigno (his main competition) that's he's already called his mother and told him he's won, even though the contest had yet to transpire.
So today, I'm at home, to begin "drying out for my show." This basically means that I'm not taking in any exogenous sodium (only eating that which is naturally occurring in the food, and that's it.) In addition I'm taking an OTC herbal diuretic, MHP's Expel to be exact. 2 pills per meal. The goal here is to flush out any subcutaneous water that may blur muscular definition.
I'm going to hit the road to head fresno for my enjoyable 3.5 hour ride. Big John (or is Medium John more accurate?) is gonna meet us out there. I'll stop drinking water at 8, even though I'll have a meal or 2 left (not fun choking down dry saltless chicken and almonds with no water, haha.) I'll get up, grab a cup of coffee, down 4 eggs and head to 830 athlete's briefing and weigh-in, then chill out for pre-judging.
Fun times. I'll try and post pics as they become available...
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