I been meaning to touch on this for a while.
I work at a big company.
A big drug company.
In fact, our company founded what many people know as GH or growth hormone. They did this back in 1981. Ironically, that's the year I was born. That is where my affiliation with the juice begins... And ends.
Perhaps its the bigorexia in me, but I don't perceive myself as an obscenely big dude. And although I've perfected as what Joel would call "Natural Roid Rage," I'm as clean as a whistle.
So a very near and dear brother of mine, who also works at this same big company, relays a story about a co-worker of his. This co-worker, an apparent expert on chemical enhancement, is sitting with their group one day and my contest preparation comes up.
"There's no way that dude is natural. I know lots of guys who take steroids, and he looks just like them," he says.
"Um... We lived together, I'm pretty sure I'd know if dude was up to something." My friend adds.
"Naw- I know he's juicing."
The conversation ends there as my friend has little time or interest in arguing with ignorance.
When I found this out I thought it was rather interesting. It wasn't the first time someone has accused me of being "on something." On one side of the coin it's sorta flattering for someone to think you have achieved something that can't be reached by natural means. In fact I'd say that this is the best compliment you can give a natural BB'er.
On the other hand it is a discredit to the hard work you've put in at the gym and at the dinner table. It totally cheapens each grueling set- the days where I wanted nothing more than to put the bar back on the rack, but one more rep is all my soul would allow me to do. He obviously doesn't know my ball and chain.
I think it's more comforting to conclude that "Ryan is cheating" than to say "Ryan is a hard worker," because if he concedes the latter then he's left without the warm blanket of excuses that keeps the warm layer of fat over those abs.
All that aside, accusing a fellow employee of using illicit drugs amongst a network of peers is just not good business and is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Especially if it's only speculation and assumption driving those accusations.
Anyways, today I found out that he reads this blog, so thanks for the compliment.
If you got a cup, I got a bladder full of piss.
Test away.
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