**Kachin-kuh wurrrrrrrrrrrrrr**
Today a chain saw* woke me up. Why anyone in a condo needs a chain saw is beyond me. Why they need to use it at 8am is also beyond me. Since my extended stay back home in Monterey, my sleep schedule has been FUBAR'd- but I guess nothing was gonna let me fail today as God gave me the proper wake up call.
What I do know is that today is the day I join the throngs of Americans getting back into the gym. My time off was programmed. Heavy weights can't be lifted without periods of break, to give the nervous system, joints, and associated parts their recovery. Let's see what the resolutioners can bring today!
On Deck: Incline db press, standing military press, v-bar pushdown, 1 arm db rows, and deadlifts. But boy am I ever itchin to get back at it! Got a few good good meals in me now it's time to get at it!
*ok it wasn't a chain saw, but a high powered washer being used right outside my window. Chain saw sounds cooler though doesnt it?
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