Some notable events:
Along with Big Medium John, began my 2nd contest prep, and this blog CMC turns 29
Had my 1st cheat meal, Valentine's day at Limon (where Carrie and I met)
Taco cheat meal!
Competed in the Fresno Classic
Placed 2nd in novice/open lightweight at the 2008 Contra Costa, celebrated 1 year dating Carrie
Turned 27, celebrated 1 year as a homeowner, Kanye's Concert
A special roommate moved in, Marine World Trip!
Baby Bryce was born!
Jimmy's Bachelor Cruise, Vernon goes 12, Mikej goes 27
Big Medium John turns 27, and I brought out my inner traitor
Jerm turns 20, Rick turns 30, Guma Passed
Obama gettin his lat development on!
Along with Big Medium John, began my 2nd contest prep, and this blog CMC turns 29
Had my 1st cheat meal, Valentine's day at Limon (where Carrie and I met)
Taco cheat meal!
Competed in the Fresno Classic
Placed 2nd in novice/open lightweight at the 2008 Contra Costa, celebrated 1 year dating Carrie
Turned 27, celebrated 1 year as a homeowner, Kanye's Concert
A special roommate moved in, Marine World Trip!
Baby Bryce was born!
Jimmy's Bachelor Cruise, Vernon goes 12, Mikej goes 27
Big Medium John turns 27, and I brought out my inner traitor
Jerm turns 20, Rick turns 30, Guma Passed
Looking ahead to 2009
It's gonna be a real fun year.
As you could tell from my post last month, I dont care much for resolutions, or resolutioners, but I like to set goals. A few:
1) Read Everyday: I got some cool books for Christmas: Randy Pausch's Last lecture, Dave Draper's Brother Iron Sister Steel and Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) to na
2) Eat Big: I'm taking a year off from competition so I really need to get going on that good growth.
3) Track my diet: I recently downloaded an application called Livestrong daily tracker. I want to make sure that I get all my protein, and tracking my macronutrient intake will be crucial for the next goal.
4) Get my abs back:
This will mean more cardio, less drinking, less crap food etc.
5) Keep in touch with friends/loved ones: After Guma passed I noticed mom and hugged a lilttle harder, kissed a little more, and told each other we loved each other much more often. To use Kanye's words: "Give people the roses while they can still smell em."
6) Post every weekday (at least): I'm playing with the thought of having a running column, like "Training Talk Tuesdays" etc. I want to make this blog useful to my readers and help me stay sharp.
Other 09 happenings:
Carrie turns 30
Carrie will give me her life for 4 weeks and we'll see how much leaner we can go.
Back to the Arnold with John
Japan trip!
Christine and Richard's Wedding
Jeremy Turns 21 (vegas anyone?)
Let's do it live in 2009!
It's gonna be a real fun year.
As you could tell from my post last month, I dont care much for resolutions, or resolutioners, but I like to set goals. A few:
1) Read Everyday: I got some cool books for Christmas: Randy Pausch's Last lecture, Dave Draper's Brother Iron Sister Steel and Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) to na
2) Eat Big: I'm taking a year off from competition so I really need to get going on that good growth.
3) Track my diet: I recently downloaded an application called Livestrong daily tracker. I want to make sure that I get all my protein, and tracking my macronutrient intake will be crucial for the next goal.
4) Get my abs back:
5) Keep in touch with friends/loved ones: After Guma passed I noticed mom and hugged a lilttle harder, kissed a little more, and told each other we loved each other much more often. To use Kanye's words: "Give people the roses while they can still smell em."
6) Post every weekday (at least): I'm playing with the thought of having a running column, like "Training Talk Tuesdays" etc. I want to make this blog useful to my readers and help me stay sharp.
Other 09 happenings:
Carrie turns 30
Carrie will give me her life for 4 weeks and we'll see how much leaner we can go.
Back to the Arnold with John
Japan trip!
Christine and Richard's Wedding
Jeremy Turns 21 (vegas anyone?)
Let's do it live in 2009!
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