So I decided after being tortured at the mall by jacme's (which is my affectionate name for my childhood friend Jimmy and his girl Jacquie) taco lunch I decided it was time for Chevy's.
So Here's the damage:
I would have taken pictures of everything, but we woulda ran out of film (yes it was a digital camera, 2 gigs is not enough! lol)
Not Pictured:
3 baskets of chips n salsa
Pineapple Lemonade
Butterscotch kiss from see's candy
Bite of white chocolate chip cookie
sip of carrie's vitamin water
Red velvet cupcake from Teacake
2-3 days out from a show, bodybuilders do what is called a "carb up." While the term in endurance sports like marathon running or other sports where the stored energy will come to help, the carb up in bodybuilding is to draw water into the muscles and allow the competitor to get their pump It was crazy, since I hadn't eaten carbs in 2 weeks, I immediately became vascular and I felt this rush of tightness in some of my muscles as the water rushed back in. I tried to capture it.
Anyways, with each bite I felt this rush, and it was nice to feel like a normal human being again. After dinner I felt pretty weird for a while. I definitely got some food coma going and was bloated till about midnight. It's nice knowing that I won't have to wait another 2 weeks. I think 1 week is good enough time as that cheat meal comes just in time to save you from straying yet keeps you satiated till next week.
Back to that grind!
Back to that grind!
1 comment:
I think I'm still sick from all the carbs...
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