Today I will touch on the much ignored (by mainstream gym-goers) muscles of the back.
I am my own worst critic, and in my first show my lack of back development was really apparent next to some of the other competitors. This off-season I have prioritized back training to include Bent Over Rows and really put a focus on the mind muscle connection in the lat-pulldown variations. I feel my back has responded rather well to the newfound attention.
There are 2 major parts to back development- width and thickness.
Width refers to exactly how wide the lats expand laterally radiating from the spine. Exercises such as pull ups, chin ups, and all variations of machine pull downs will target this area. The BOR is an amazing width and thickness builder.
Thickness refers to how much meat is on the back, especially the erector spinae (near the waist.) Deadlifts and associated lower back movements will get you here.
After legs, I dont feel there is a more taxing muscle complex when it comes to training. The mind muscle connection required to effectively target the back is quite a challenge. All too often the arms (biceps specifically) want to contribute. This is the reason I use straps on nearly all my back exercises- its a good way to deactivate the arms and let the back do the work. It's hard at first, but its not about how much weight you move, but how you move it. Ditch the ego and pick the weight that's right for you. That's my tip of the day.
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