Where's Ryan?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Get Smart For Free

iTunes has a feature called iTunesU, where you can search thousands of archived lectures from such prestigious Universities as, say, UC Berkeley...

Being the nerd that I am I was strolling down memory lane, as I took a course with the world renowned Marian C. Diamond (who gained notoriety for studying Einsteins Brain. Literally looking at that dude's grey matter.) I took her class in the fall of some year that I probably wasted being drunk- I'm not gonna front like I was some whiz-kid who aced all his classes, I was a mediocre student, butI always liked learning when I didn't have to, and on this fine evening there were no quizzes, no tests, nothing of the sort!

At about 8:45 of her Muscular System 2 Lecture, she is quoted:

"In bodybuilders, you see what we call tendinous inscriptions going across the muscle mass like this... IN most of us you dont see them, but in bodybuilders they have strengthened them so, that you can see these inscriptions, just to show what extreme use of them can do!"
I was amped because that is the hugest shout out from one of the world's foremost experts on the human body. Bodybuilders rejoice!

On a funnier note, she refers to the Linnea Alba at about 10:50. Then goes on to say,

"Could you believe it? I had a student in class once who was called the Linnea Alba, I never had to ask if the parents were anatomists- why that was used, I dont know... "

I actually knew Linnea, she was really sweet and stayed in my dorm, LOL!

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