Where's Ryan?

Monday, August 4, 2008

If you cant find work in your meaning...

find meaning in your work.

I've oft flirted with the prospect of training people and helping them achieve their health and fitness goals, but science is my trade.

Today I read that Randy Pausch, who recently died of pancreatic cancer, took 2 drugs, Avastin and Tarceva, that my company discovered.

When he passed I felt a great sadness, but knowing that the effort my company put forth may have extended his life for even one day, but likely many more, brings me peace and imbues my daily toiling with much more meaning.

I believe when you change your body you can definitely change your life; I can't say that I'll never pursue the training gig, but helping a skinny guy get buff or a fat lady get skinny will never hold a candle to giving a good man more time with his family.

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