Where's Ryan?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh Lord, Here Come The Resolutioners...

So I was chatting with my dude Karl, and he asked me if my gym get's that 2-month wave of what I call "resolutioners." With all that's going on in my life I hadn't realized that the wave is coming, and irritation immediately set in.

Resolutioners are those folks who resolve to make a serious lifestyle change which includes a diet and fitness regimen in the New Year. Now I'd love nothing more than to see people make positive change in their lives, but usually January and February is fraught with newbie gym-goers who talk to much, rest too long, and don't put their weights back. And they always seem to be on the machine that I want.

Anyways, this article from T-Nation pretty much sums it up.

"Well, Bob, I guess you could use the term bodybuilder if you really need a label for what it is we do. Most of us actually don't stand on stage and compete, though. We lift weights and manipulate our diets so that we'll look good naked. Sure, it's healthy too, and we'll probably live a longer and more productive life than the average guy, but mostly it's about the naked thing. Truthfully, it goes beyond even that.

"Let's be honest here. We do it because of people like you, Bob. We look at you sitting there with your gut hanging over your belt and we watch you grunt and groan just getting out of a chair. Guys like you are our inspiration, Bob. You're better than Anthony Robbins, Bill Phillips, Deepak Chopra, and Zig fucking Ziglar all wrapped up into one. We love it when guys like you talk about not having time to exercise. Every time we see you munching on a bag of potato chips, you inspire us. You're my shot in the arm, Bob, my living and breathing wake-up call, my own personal success coach.

The entire article is here:

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