Where's Ryan?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

RIP Guma

Guma showing me where my trademark vascular arms come from

My grandma called me "legs." I'd walk into a room and she'd say "Hey Legs!" and would marvel any time she got to see them. She enjoyed their shape and tone. Little did she know she was appreciating bodybuilding.

The great bodybuilders all have that trademark body part be it arms or back or whatever. Tom Platz and Branch Warren come to mind when you think of ridiculous wheels.

A few nights ago my Grandma passed away- losing her battle with cancer, but winning the war of Life.
She leaves behind a legacy of 10 kids, 20+ grandkids, and 20+ great grandkids.
She also apparently left behind a great set of legs. Thanks Guma.

"You've been the brunt of their weakness for years and strength
is something you know a bit about because you had to be strong to keep
yourself alive."
-Henry Rollins

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