John came into town on Thursday so we could get our final prep in for Saturday Prejudging.
It was our last day of chugging 5 gals of water, and upping our salt so on the way home from work, I had the distinct pleasure of watching him urinate on the bay bridge, into a powerade bottle... WHILE DRIVING (sorry John, I had to tell it, so HARDCORE!)
Friday was time to drop the salt on everything, so we were boiling tilapia to get what little salt that was in it out, then browning. Both of us were a little nervous about making weight, so we stopped eating at 430 on friday, and stopped drinking at 7. I was weighing around 156-158 all day, and john was within 3-5 lbs of his mark as well.
Not wanting to risk it we ran off to my old gym to hit the sauna and sweat it out.
So I laid down to sleep at around midnight, after putting on a few coats of protan. At 115 i woke up cold and shivering and couldn't go back to sleep. I tossed and turned but got up at 545 to start more coats.
Lo and behold, I woke up at 152.6. YES! Light weight indeed.
We then headed to starbucks for our shot of espresso and to jack in the box for our pre-pre-judging salt/fat/carb bomb.
I received a text from Carrie that ALL my coworkers had shown up. That made me excited and nervous at the same time.
So after weigh-ins John and I took the stage. I could hear them clearly as they were only 5 rows back.
I was really grateful that so many had come out to support. I know there's a certain stigma around bodybuilding, and it was awesome they took time out to come and cheer me on! It's funny, I dont know what other venue in our professional lives it'd be appropriate to strip down and flex in a group shot, but they wouldn't have it any other way!
Afterwards, Jacquie, Jimmy, John, Carrie, and I headed to In n Out because our night show prep protocol called for a burger and fries specifically, so we had to comply!
Happiness is a hot girl, and a hot burger
When all was said and done, I took 2nd place in the Novice (ie beginner's) Light Weight Division, and 2nd Place in the Men's Open Light Weight Division.
2nd place twice over, instant "Fresno Debacle" vindication
Afterwards, Jacquie, Jimmy, John, Carrie, and I headed to In n Out because our night show prep protocol called for a burger and fries specifically, so we had to comply!
Then we headed back to the house to rest, where an impromptu posedown showed just how dark John and I were....

Then it was time for the night show. This is where the competitors got their 90 seconds under the lights, and where the top 5 placings would be announced.
Then it was time for the night show. This is where the competitors got their 90 seconds under the lights, and where the top 5 placings would be announced.
When all was said and done, I took 2nd place in the Novice (ie beginner's) Light Weight Division, and 2nd Place in the Men's Open Light Weight Division.
It was pretty cool to work so hard and be recognized. I think my Mom was proud because she wanted to take the trophies home and put em up on her mantle, and would NOT let them go!
Team RTY/JJC in Full Force!
She had to show Mr. Olympia how good her boy did!
Told you she didn't let the trophies go!
Apparently, Julie wants to see if Victory literally tastes sweet!
Team RTY/JJC posedown!
The Hat Matches!
This is a horrible pic of me, but it's got the food!
Oh ya, and the space is now filled. The End.
Told you she didn't let the trophies go!
We had planned to go out for pizza with John's family and mine, but it got too late. THe show went till about 1115, so my immediate fam plus carrie hit up TGI Friday's where I had a corona, quesadillas, chicken fingers, shrimp/chicken pasta and a sizzling apple pie ala mode. My parents laughed at me because they had never seen me eat so much and so fast. Hell, even Jay Cutler was there getting his grub on.
congrats baby! you did it!
Ryan is a true champion. I have been lucky enough to befriend many of the greatest competitors that this sport has ever produced and, honestly, not one of them has anything on Ryan's dedication, commitment, focus and love of bodybuilding.
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