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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rant Time

Yesterday I ran into someone at the gym who said he'd seen my site/posing routine through a friend of mine. He then went on to detail how his cousin, who was prepping for a pro football stint, went on the lemonade diet, and he seemed perplexed that I hadnt heard of it. he suggested I do this too! Another friend of a friend thought about the liquid diet or the all veggie diet as a way to achieve their New Year's goals.

My goals are to maximize fat loss while minimizing the loss of the muscle I've put on in the off-season. If I were to drink nothing but lemonade I'd wither away to a shell of my former self. What goes on in people's brains that tells you it's cool to eat this way? The scenarios above really highlight the amount of ignorance out there on the subject of nutrition.

People ask me questions they know the answers to- how do I get big, how do i lose weight, how do I do x. The answers are all out there. In fact there's only one real answer for all the aforementioned queries:


The unfortunate thing is that people somehow ask this question but dont want to hear the answer. Or they hear my answer but fooled by the mountains of marketing, late night tv ads promising 8 minute abs, or a magic pill to cure their physique ills.

Too many times people come at me, wanting me to design a routine for them. Being naive, and of course wanting to help people, I used to jump at the opportunity- hell I was even flattered that they'd ask. I dont know how many times I've put things together to have people fall off after 2 weeks.

Now when people ask me, I have an entry fee, and no it doesnt come from the wallet.

I tell people if they want me to design any type of weight training program they have to do one simple task: keep a food log for a week. I ask them to simply write down everything they eat and drink for one week. Sounds easy right? Hell, they could even cheat and fabricate a log and give it to me.

You know how many routine's I've had to put together since stipulating this simple hurdle?


If you can't put record a food log, there's no way you can spend the grueling hours on the treadmill or garner the consistency you need to make gains in the gym. And it also tells me you probably dont have what it takes to stay on the diet I design for you.

So you go ahead and enjoy your glass of lemonade- I'm gonna have a bowl of Hard work.

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